Configuration files
Theme Configuration#
File: src/site.config.ts
pending update…
Astro Configuration#
File: astro.config.mjs
You can configure it to change deployment methods, add rehype & remark plugins, and more.
Read more about Astro configuration here ↗.
ESLint Configuration#
File: eslint.config.mjs
You can configure ESLint to change rules and security checks.
Read more about ESLint configuration here ↗.
Prettier Configuration#
File: prettier.config.mjs
You can configure Prettier to change code formatting rules, this can change your experience using package command format
and extension support for your favorite IDE.
Options are available here ↗.
Tailwind CSS Configuration#
File: tailwind.config.mjs
It is a utility-first CSS framework building custom designs. Theme also uses its plugin typography
to make typesettings (checkout Other Integrations#@tailwindcss/typography
for more info).
Get to know more:
- Astro: Style rendered Markdown with Tailwind Typography ↗
- Astro: Integrations with @astrojs/tailwind ↗
- Tailwindcss: Configuration ↗
And you can also customize the theme default tailwind palette by modifying the CSS file at src/assets/styles/app.css
. For example, if you want to change the default theme color, you can modify the following code:
/* ... */
@layer base {
/* ... */
--primary: 200 29% 45%;
--primary: <Your favorite color using hsl>;
/* ... */
cssTypescript Configuration#
File: tsconfig.json
See more docs