Other Integrations
Other integrations that help improve your site
Checkout medium-zoom ↗ for more.
export const integ: IntegrationUserConfig = {
// ...
// A lightbox library that can add zoom effect
mediumZoom: {
enable: true, // disable it will not load the whole library
selector: '.prose .zoomable',
options: {
className: 'zoomable'
tsThis theme has integrated it in BlogPost.astro
by default, which means any content in src/content/blog
doesn’t need to import. If you want to use it in any other layout or page, you can use the following code:
import { MediumZoom } from 'astro-pure/advanced'
<div class="prose">
<img src="/path/to/image.jpg" class="zoomable" />
<MediumZoom />
{/* Or with configs */}
selector=".prose .zoomable"
background="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)"
astroimport { MediumZoom } from 'astro-pure/advanced'
// .zoomable class will automatically added using remark plugin

<MediumZoom />
// Or with configs
selector=".prose .zoomable"
background="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)"
Checkout playform/compress ↗ for more.
Configure typography; configs are in tailwind.config.mjs
const typographyConfig = ({ theme }) => ({
pure: {
css: {
// ...
jsAnd it will be applied to class list configuration:
export const integ: IntegrationUserConfig = {
// ...
typography: {
class: 'prose prose-pure dark:prose-invert dark:prose-pure prose-headings:font-medium'
tsCheckout tailwindcss-typography ↗ for more.
See more docs