

Personalized Customization GuideBlur image

Site Configuration#


Customizing this theme requires adjusting a significant amount of source code.

We have made efforts to centralize the configuration options in the src/site.config.ts file for user convenience and have integrated a variety of common social media/tools icons. If you want to add new icons, you will need to modify the source code yourself.

You can globally search for the following keywords to find the text that needs to be replaced:

  • Lorem ipsum
  • astro-theme-pure
  • cworld

Next, we will introduce each aspect in detail.

Configuration Files#

See Configuration Files for details.

Waline Comment System#

See Waline Comment System for details.

Currently supported social media include:

  • coolapk
  • telegram
  • github
  • bilibili
  • twitter
  • zhihu
  • steam
  • netease_music

If you want to add new social media, you need to modify the following files:

  • src/types.ts: Add a new SocialLink.name enum value and the icon mapping relationship for SocialMediaIconId

  • public/icons/social.svg: Follow the existing format and add a new icon as a symbol

    It is recommended to find social media icons on the following websites to maintain consistency:

Other Files to Replace#

  • public/favicon: The site’s favicon. You can generate a favicon at favicon.io
  • public/images/social-card.png: The site’s social card
  • src/assets/: This directory contains client-rendered avatars, sponsorship QR codes, and other images. Please replace them with your own images

Other Pages#


Currently supported icons can be found in the src/icons directory.

If you want to add new Tools icons, you need to add a new icon in the src/icons directory.

It is recommended to find new icons on the following websites to maintain consistency:

Deployment Mode#

See Deployment for details.

Personalized Customization Guide
Author 敖烈 / Yunus
Published at July 27, 2024
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